Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the voices of the mets

Do you ever wonder who are the people that talk while your watching tv wonder if they ever played for the mets? the broadcasters of the mets are gary cohen a queens native. this his 21st year with the mets and only his fourth on televison. ron darling a 9 year mets player who was a key player in the 1986 world series has also won an Emmy Award for best Sports Analyst in New York. the hall of famer kieth hernandez also an ex met and aslo a big parto of the 1986 team enters his fourth season as a game analystfor the mets.and who can forget ralph kiner a great hall of famer has been with the mets since 1962. he has recieved many awards over the years to many to say but these are your voices that you usally hear on tv when your at home and theres more dont get me wrong but these are the main heads

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