Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Perez stinks up the joint

Oliver Perez the Mets 36 million dollar lefty was put on the 15-day DL with inflimation on his knee. Oliver with his 1-2 9.90 era in 5 games was not helping out the mets. he walked 22 baters in 21 innings pitched and only struck out 20 batters. oppesing batters were batting 315 of perez.i personly belive that perez used the injury as a way to stay out of the minors. in a minor leauge rehab game oliver pitched 3 innings allowing 6 runs off 7 hits but only 2 were earned. i feel that oliver has lost his drive to win with his neew contract he just seems that he doesent enjoy playing even int world classic he looked bored. the mets need to make a move they need another arm in the rotation

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