Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Davids weird season

David Wright the Mets golden glove 3rd basemen has had as some would call a weird season through 62 games wright has struck out 63 times witch almost 1 per day but. I belive that he is taking a bigger swing witch is making him strike out. The weird part is that if he is not striking out he is tearnig the cover off the ball batting 357 witch leads the national leauge with only 4 HomeRuns and 39 RBI.David has steped in as 1 of the many leaders of the mets trying to push his team threw some injuries and to the postseason.wright has also won the golden glove and silver slugger award for the past 2 years and is on his way to his way to his 4 consecutive allstar game in his short career. David is what the Mets need right now with all the injuries we need him and the other veterans to pull threw and help the young players in the hard times. The mets best hitter right now has not shown the power of the long ball but we alln ow that he has it in him its jsut the matter of time before he has party with the long ball.

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