Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beltran sidelined for 15days

1 of the Mets top hitters Carlos Beltran was sent to the DL after fighting an ailing right knee for a month. Beltran who was batting 336 with 8 homeruns and 40 rbi was a huge blow for the mets wich are already dealing with injurys like delgado, reyes,maine perez and more. the mets now with limited power must find ways to win ball games witch means that the piching staff must step up and win the ball games. the bullpen must kepp the 1 or 2 run leads and the offence must muster up some offence to give the pichers a winning chance. the mets will sure miss the golden glove all star who also looks to be on his way with teamate david wright if the injury heals. mets players need to step there game up and show that the mets can win without there star players. the mets can not just sit on 1 player it needs to be a team effort if they want to see the 3rd world series championship.

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