Tuesday, June 23, 2009

home sweet home

After shea had been a home for the new york mets the mets needed a new home. somethng more comfterable something that was not also used as a football feel they needed there own palace and they got it. citi field was introduced november, 16, 2006. the leading global financial services citigroup anoucned that they had sighed a 20 year deal that gave them nameming rights and more. With a new home expected to open in 2009 many people were happy with it. April 13 2009 mets opened the doors to fans so that that they can enjoy the new ball bark. citi fiel is not just a ball park it is more than that it is a place were u can get great meal, a day to spend with your family theres games, shops and what people go there for for a great ball game. there is many types of resturants there like seafood and a steak house and for desert theres an icecream shop. im glad the mets got a new home shea had a lot of great memories like the bill bukner error witch helped the mets win the world series in 1986 but it was trully a dump ive been there and it was not pretty

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