Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sheffield hits 500hr

who would of ever thought that sheffield would be a met and even better who would of thought that he would hit his 500th homerun in the new ball park citi field. man when i saw that i was so happy and the mets won that day. sheffield was the 25 player in the mlb to hit 500 or more homeruns a big accompishment that i think should reserve you a seat in the hall of fame. i never liked sheffield because he was on the braves and on the yankees 2 teams that i hate and that have been a thorn on the mets behind. garry is older and is not known for his glove no more but there was a time were he was a gold glover. the mets bought him in as a power bat in the line up and has done his job batting 276 with 8 hr and 28 rbi and he doeset even play every day. congradulations garry you deserve it

1986 METS

The 1986 mets ............ what can u say about the 1986 mets they were just a great team after a great season before that going 98-64 in 1965 the mets were trying to improve on that but how can you really that sounds like a pretty good season. and they did they went 108-54 criusing right in as the division champions. they deafted a good houston astros team to in the nlcs to face the even better redsoxs. Boston took game 1 and 2 but those mets came back and won 3 and 4 but boston won game 5 so it was all down to game six were boston had the lead in the 10th inning but the curse of the bambino set in and bill bukner made an error and allowed the wining run to score after game 6 the mets took game 7 and became champs.key players that made it all possible were gooden, kieth,carter well the whole team.

the voices of the mets

Do you ever wonder who are the people that talk while your watching tv wonder if they ever played for the mets? the broadcasters of the mets are gary cohen a queens native. this his 21st year with the mets and only his fourth on televison. ron darling a 9 year mets player who was a key player in the 1986 world series has also won an Emmy Award for best Sports Analyst in New York. the hall of famer kieth hernandez also an ex met and aslo a big parto of the 1986 team enters his fourth season as a game analystfor the mets.and who can forget ralph kiner a great hall of famer has been with the mets since 1962. he has recieved many awards over the years to many to say but these are your voices that you usally hear on tv when your at home and theres more dont get me wrong but these are the main heads

Mets give back to community

The Mets are not just a baseball team they are a big family who looks for ways to give back to the community they have many community projects and charities that they support and look out for like the Mets foundation that supports educational value and athletics programs in school it all started in1963 and is still going strong. another project is summer at shea-citi park foundation witch offers varies activities to children and adults in many parks the mets have team up with the cpf since 1999 raising over 1.65 million dollars. like many athletes and stars there is aslo the make a wish foundation witch is a foundation that enriches the lives of kids that have life threating illneses. like some Mets players David Wright has his own charity called the David wright foundation. the charity focuses on helping and aiding children that are need. he also has the david wright vegas night and proceeds of it goes to his foundation. the mets are all about giving back like any other team.

home sweet home

After shea had been a home for the new york mets the mets needed a new home. somethng more comfterable something that was not also used as a football feel they needed there own palace and they got it. citi field was introduced november, 16, 2006. the leading global financial services citigroup anoucned that they had sighed a 20 year deal that gave them nameming rights and more. With a new home expected to open in 2009 many people were happy with it. April 13 2009 mets opened the doors to fans so that that they can enjoy the new ball bark. citi fiel is not just a ball park it is more than that it is a place were u can get great meal, a day to spend with your family theres games, shops and what people go there for for a great ball game. there is many types of resturants there like seafood and a steak house and for desert theres an icecream shop. im glad the mets got a new home shea had a lot of great memories like the bill bukner error witch helped the mets win the world series in 1986 but it was trully a dump ive been there and it was not pretty

santana loses against yankees

After a win in Washington Johan Santana looked like he was on the right track again feeling good, santana was lookin foward to the subway series vs the Yankees. Yohan was going into the series wit an 8-4 record with a era of 2.33, everything was looking good for the Mets but with 1 swing of the bat the Yankees were of scoring 9 runs in 3 inning against Johan in a 15-0 loss following terrible loss in the first game due to a Castillo error. after the loss Johans era rose to 3.22 and questions started to pop up whats wrong with Johan? is he hurt? like many great players there is a time period in witch you cant win a game but there is also a time when you can be beat. hot and cold streaks happen to show that your a great player you will bounce back with a win like Johan did. everyone has to lay off Johan hes human he can win every game he was bought in to give the Mets a chance to win and thus far he has done it. in the next start Johan will bounce back from a loss to the rays and pitch against Carpender and the 1st place cardinals look for a good game there.

livans suprises mets

Livan Hernandez the Mets 5th started has not performed as the Mets fifth starter he has done a marvelous job and is looking like a number 2 starter for the Mets. Livan with his 5-1 record with a 4.18 era has done wonders and has picked up some of the slap helping out ace Yohan Santana. the righty has struk out 45 and has allowed 22 walks.Livan was sighed as a free agent to a minor league deal and was given a chance to win a spot on the Mets rotation he won it and has no let the Mets down with his arm.after Perez and Maine went down the Mets needed good starts from Santana pelfry and livan. livan has in the last month has Piched into the 7th inning in his last for starts and was the first met this year to pitch into the 8th. i think that Herandez was a great aqisiion for the Mets and we can no expect more than what he has offerfed. Livan with his world serious experience want his team in the championship game he was mvp of the 1997 world sereies and he snot to shabby with his bat, he has won a silver slugger award in 2004.

Beltran sidelined for 15days

1 of the Mets top hitters Carlos Beltran was sent to the DL after fighting an ailing right knee for a month. Beltran who was batting 336 with 8 homeruns and 40 rbi was a huge blow for the mets wich are already dealing with injurys like delgado, reyes,maine perez and more. the mets now with limited power must find ways to win ball games witch means that the piching staff must step up and win the ball games. the bullpen must kepp the 1 or 2 run leads and the offence must muster up some offence to give the pichers a winning chance. the mets will sure miss the golden glove all star who also looks to be on his way with teamate david wright if the injury heals. mets players need to step there game up and show that the mets can win without there star players. the mets can not just sit on 1 player it needs to be a team effort if they want to see the 3rd world series championship.

Mets havin pen problems ?

After the Mets closer billy Wagner went down with an injury the Mets were in dyer need to scruise up the bullpen after the bullpen was a major problem in the Mets collapses in the 2 prior seasons. What did the mets go on and do they go out and get the best closer in the game francisco rodriguez agreed to a 3 year deal worth 38 millon dollars. in an ohter attemp to make the bullpen stronger the mest also signed righty jj putz to set up rodriguez. With all this goin on the mets for a time still sruggled with the bullpen with new commers Bobby Parnell and Sean Green sometimes struggling and veteran pedro feliciano also struggling the mets are setting them selfs up for 3 strait years of not making the playoffs. With oliver sruggling i belive that he would be a great fit in the bullpen until he gets it together.

Davids weird season

David Wright the Mets golden glove 3rd basemen has had as some would call a weird season through 62 games wright has struck out 63 times witch almost 1 per day but. I belive that he is taking a bigger swing witch is making him strike out. The weird part is that if he is not striking out he is tearnig the cover off the ball batting 357 witch leads the national leauge with only 4 HomeRuns and 39 RBI.David has steped in as 1 of the many leaders of the mets trying to push his team threw some injuries and to the postseason.wright has also won the golden glove and silver slugger award for the past 2 years and is on his way to his way to his 4 consecutive allstar game in his short career. David is what the Mets need right now with all the injuries we need him and the other veterans to pull threw and help the young players in the hard times. The mets best hitter right now has not shown the power of the long ball but we alln ow that he has it in him its jsut the matter of time before he has party with the long ball.

Perez stinks up the joint

Oliver Perez the Mets 36 million dollar lefty was put on the 15-day DL with inflimation on his knee. Oliver with his 1-2 9.90 era in 5 games was not helping out the mets. he walked 22 baters in 21 innings pitched and only struck out 20 batters. oppesing batters were batting 315 of perez.i personly belive that perez used the injury as a way to stay out of the minors. in a minor leauge rehab game oliver pitched 3 innings allowing 6 runs off 7 hits but only 2 were earned. i feel that oliver has lost his drive to win with his neew contract he just seems that he doesent enjoy playing even int world classic he looked bored. the mets need to make a move they need another arm in the rotation

injury bug bites mets

Mets first basemen Carlos Delgado goes on the DL after a some what good start batting 298 with 4 homeruns and 27 RBI in 26 games. Carlos had surgery on his right hip to remove a bone spur and to repair a labrum he is expected to miss 10 weeks to recover. the Mets will miss the big left hander in the line up he not only adds power to the lineup he also adds character in the club house. to fill up his spot in the rotaion Nick Evans was called up so that Murphy and tatis can take turns playin 1st base. the Mets are tryin to bounce back after 2 strait years of not making it to the play offs with the Divison leads and less then 10 games to go.